While the learning curve is a bit steeper than some of the other DAW’s available, in terms of utilizing all of the features it has to offer, for the average voice actor Pro Tools is a quick YouTube tutorial away to get you up and running for auditions or live recording sessions. Pro Tools is a sensational piece of software allowing you, the user, to do pretty much anything you can imagine. The industry standard for professional-grade audio editing mostly used by audio designers and engineers in the VO world. AVID – PRO TOOLS – “THE INDUSTRY STANDARD” AVID – PRO TOOLS – “THE INDUSTRY STANDARD” 1. Here, I’ll be quickly breaking down my top 5 choices for recording voice over, depending on your specific needs, budget, and career path.

WHAT IS A DAW? A DAW (a.k.a a DIGITAL AUDIO WORKSTATION) is an electronic device or application software used for recording, editing, and producing audio files.

IN A WORLD… filled with endless software options for your recording needs and desires, it’s understandably difficult to blindly decide on which DAW is right for you.