However, if it isn't you can always make it show by right clicking on 3ds Max's main toolbar and selecting "Ornatrix" from the list. Showing/Hiding the Toolbarīy default, the toolbar should be visible at the top right portion of 3ds Max window on the 3ds Max's main toolbar. It is available for all supported versions of 3ds Max starting with 2013. Ornatrix toolbar is a new feature as of Version 3 which provides a quick way to add renderable hair to an object, add modifiers to hair, and change Ornatrix properties.

Adding and Removing Toolbar from MaxScript.Generate Groom button causes a MaxScript exception.Some Ornatrix modifiers are not present in the modifier list.Distorted guides after reloading the scene.Distorted guides when increasing the Num.Modifier is not visible in 3dsmax modifier drop-down list.

Program crashes when trying to authorize.Upgrading to Ornatrix V4 from Earlier Versions.Feathers modeling, texturing and Dynamics.Making of Noble Woman (Assasin's Creed).